Devtree Harvest Services
Number one in private forest harvesting
Gippsland Plantation Management (GPM) and the harvesting equipment we use are engaged principally for private harvesting operations where maximising the overall vision for the forest/plantation owner is the highest priority. The service we offer is independent, proven and well regarded by wood purchasers. In 2004 we were associated with the harvest and sales of wood products from private growers with a value in excess of two million dollars. We have supply arrangements with many local timber purchasers as well as export markets which will maximise the value-adding of your trees.
Unlike private forestry operations arranged by industrial or corporate organisations, GPM and the contractors used are dedicated to private forestry and your harvest operations are our focus and core business.
Our operations are quality driven and you can expect to achieve a greater proportion of higher value products.
The operations we organise are supervised by the grower's representative, who is accredited by the Institute of Foresters of Australia and Timber Towns Victoria as having expertise in associated fields.
Private growers now have an experienced forest professional working for them, someone who is aware of local forestry and market intelligence.